Thread: new feature
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Old 10-19-2002, 01:15 PM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 6
Default new feature

maybe not something which many people would need, but its one thing I have needed that I found was missing in Flash FXP....

the ability to FXP files from one site to a number of others without the need to connect to them all and queue them up.... for example...

I want to transfer some files from site one to a pre defined folder on site 2, site 3 and site 4.... I don't want to have to connect to all 4 sites and browse to where I want to put the files just to queue them up...

maybe instead, hilighting the folders/files on the initial site, right click-->"fxp to..." and a pop up box with a list of ftp sites with a check box.

All it would take to set up is an extra line in the site manager that defines the "default upload directory"

Hope all that makes sense

like I said, it may be seen as a stupid feature to have, but I am sure others would use it too.
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