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Old 10-10-2002, 03:30 AM  
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 6
Default Another small graphical bug

You may remember me as the guy who noticed that one of the options was misaligned by one pixel in the Site Manager on the Options tab (Site uses IP Masq/NAT/Non-Routable IP was the misaligned option). That problem was easily fixed, and I was happy once again.

Now, I'm back with a very similar graphical problem in a different place. This currently affects every build of FlashFXP that I'm aware of, so I didn't post in the RC3 section.

When you use the CHMOD (Ctrl + O) feature to change file attributes on a Unix FTP server, a similar misalignment can be seen.

Under Owner, the Read, Write, and Execute options are all properly aligned. However, if you look at Group and Public, the Write option is shifted to the left by one pixel. Read and Execute are still properly aligned. Functionally, there is nothing wrong, because all the options work properly. The bug is entirely graphical.

I have attached a screenshot indicating the misalignment with a narrow red line that runs down the length of each group of the three options. Notice how there is no misalignment under Owner.

I was just wondering if this can be fixed as easily as the last one. I know that this problem and the last one may seem very insignificant compared to some of the bigger bugs found and reported on this forum, but I'm just trying my best to find anything wrong with this wonderful program.

Thanks for listening to us, bigstar. You produce one excellent FTP client!
Attached Images
File Type: gif chmod.gif (7.1 KB, 210 views)
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