Please help me with these errors
I am trying to transfer files from my PC to the xbox, I get these errors in the process. Here's the log:
[20:40:40] WinSock 2.0 -- OpenSSL 1.0.0d 8 Feb 2011
[20:40:54] [R] Connecting to -> IP= PORT=21
[20:40:54] [R] Connected to
[20:40:54] [R] 220-Client IP:
[20:40:54] [R] 220-Local Date and Time: Apr 13, 2015 21:40:05
[20:40:54] [R] 220-
[20:40:54] [R] 220-Server Stats
[20:40:54] [R] 220-Current Users: 1 Total Connections: 2
[20:40:54] [R] 220-Total Received: 65 Bytes, 0 Files, 0 Failed
[20:40:54] [R] 220-Total Sent: 1291 Bytes, 0 Files, 0 Failed
[20:40:54] [R] 220-Drive C Used: 180.47MB Free: 319.45MB Total: 499.92MB
[20:40:54] [R] 220-Drive D Used: 6,701.69MB Free: 0.00MB Total: 6,701.69MB
[20:40:54] [R] 220-Drive E Used: 190.20MB Free: 4,691.42MB Total: 4,881.63MB
[20:40:54] [R] 220-Drive X Used: 728.25MB Free: 21.69MB Total: 749.94MB
[20:40:54] [R] 220-Drive Y Used: 703.63MB Free: 46.31MB Total: 749.94MB
[20:40:54] [R] 220-Drive Z Used: 11.72MB Free: 738.17MB Total: 749.89MB
[20:40:54] [R] 220 UnleashX FTP Server ready.
[20:40:54] [R] USER xbox
[20:40:54] [R] 331 Password required for xbox
[20:40:54] [R] PASS (hidden)
[20:40:54] [R] 230 Welcome to XBOX FTP Server
[20:40:54] [R] SYST
[20:40:54] [R] 215 UNIX emulated by UnleashX 0.39.0222A Build 572
[20:40:54] [R] FEAT
[20:40:54] [R] 502 "FEAT" not implemented - Try HELP.
[20:40:54] [R] REST 100
[20:40:54] [R] 350 Restarting at 100.
[20:40:54] [R] REST 0
[20:40:54] [R] 350 Restarting at 0.
[20:40:54] [R] PWD
[20:40:54] [R] 257 "/" is current directory.
[20:40:54] [R] TYPE A
[20:40:54] [R] 200 Type set to ASCII.
[20:40:54] [R] PASV
[20:40:54] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,3,89,116)
[20:40:54] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 22900
[20:40:54] [R] LIST -al
[20:40:54] [R] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for list.
[20:40:54] [R] 226 Transfer complete.
[20:40:54] [R] List Complete: 318 bytes in 0.02 seconds (13.5 KB/s)
[20:40:55] [R] CWD D
[20:40:55] [R] 250 CWD command successful.
[20:40:55] [R] PWD
[20:40:55] [R] 257 "/D" is current directory.
[20:40:55] [R] PASV
[20:40:55] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,3,98,151)
[20:40:55] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 25239
[20:40:55] [R] LIST -al
[20:40:55] [R] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for list.
[20:40:55] [R] 226 Transfer complete.
[20:40:55] [R] List Complete: 505 bytes in 0.01 seconds (37.9 KB/s)
[20:40:56] [R] CWD maps
[20:40:56] [R] 250 CWD command successful.
[20:40:56] [R] PWD
[20:40:56] [R] 257 "/D/maps" is current directory.
[20:40:56] [R] PASV
[20:40:56] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,3,96,26)
[20:40:56] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 24602
[20:40:56] [R] LIST -al
[20:40:56] [R] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for list.
[20:40:56] [R] 226 Transfer complete.
[20:40:56] [R] List Complete: 2 KB in 0.02 seconds (145.5 KB/s)
[20:41:03] [R] DELE
[20:41:03] [R] 450 Internal error deleting the file: "".
[20:41:03] [R] DELE
[20:41:03] [R] 450 Internal error deleting the file: "".
[20:41:03] [R] DELE
[20:41:03] [R] 450 Internal error deleting the file: "".
[20:41:03] Deleted 0 Files and 0 Folders (0 bytes) in 0.01 seconds