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Old 04-02-2015, 01:17 AM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 2
Default FlashFXP with Amazon EC2 SSH keys Part2

Hi Guys,

This subject has already been discussed here

I've set-up an AWS EC2 instance to install a Wordpress Blog. All good so far. But I wanted to access it via FTP so I followed the instructions as per above (both versions, Admin and Cog01) but no joy. I've tried multiple ways of saving the file names and also exporting from Puttygen. I'm assuming the private key is ok and the issue is the public key. Any ideas? Thanks. Steve.

The error is

[R] Auth Type: Public Key
[R] Authentication failed [Public Key]
[R] SSH Error: failed to negotiate authentication method [Public Key]
[R] SSH Connection closed
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