Remote loginto my local server at home and login on to ioftpd gui console write site adduser test test *@*
gå back to my workstation open flashfxp issue user test pass test and no i get as normaly:
[15:00:22] [R] Connecting to -> IP= PORT=5420
[15:00:43] [R] Connection failed (Connection timed out)
[15:00:43] [R] Delaying for 120 seconds before reconnect attempt #1
[15:00:47] [R] Retry attempt Aborted
[15:03:45] [R] Connecting to -> IP= PORT=5420
[15:03:51] [R] Connection canceled
Log in to server issue site addip test *@
but nothing will work i cannot log in what so ever from outside my server the only ip that works to Connect with is localhost.
Now what ?