a question about the code.
I try to read the timestamp from "xferlog" and write it to "xferlog.result" with follow lines:
set date [clock seconds] //integrated at top from the script
set date [clock format $date -format %Y.%m.%d] //integrated at top from the script
set timestamp [lindex $log end-14]
puts $ofp "[lindex $date $timestamp] | User: [lindex $users $i] | Release: $rlsn"
The "xferlog" line looks like e.g.:
Fri May 23 22:12:00 2014 2 my.dyn-dns.org 857071 /path/DIRNAME/picture.jpg b _ o r TestAccount ftp 1 * l
Now "xferstats.itcl" should write the timestamp in "xferlog.result":
2014.05.23 | User: TestAccount | Release: DIRNAME
The date i`ve set is the systemdate, not fine but for the begining good enough.
But i`m missing the timestamp behind the date...whats wrong? Using a wrong format?
Can someone give me an advice?