I am thinking about adding additional switches to the /select command so that one could select based on size and age what do you think?
Right now I am experimenting with this idea and it seems to work quite well, though I am unsure if it will be added at this stage.
The switches would be something like this
-<value> for the minimum value
+<value> for the maximum range
Select based on an size range
It would support the following suffixes b=byte, m=megabyte, g=gigabyte
meaning any file with a size of 10MB or less
meaning any file with a size of at least 5MB or more but equal or less than 10MB
Select based on an age range
It would support the following suffixes s=second, m=minute, h=hour, d=day, y=year
meaning any file with a modified date equal or less than 1 day from now.
meaning any file with a modified date equal or more than 12 hours from now.
/select -f :size-10M
select all files with a size 10MB or less