Hello again,
i´ve read now the instructions and have come to the decisive that no variant is useful for my problem.
The choice is then to either use 25 hostmasks with some
using only 2 octets (*@1.2.*.*) to try and cover all possibilities,
or to let the user register with a dynamic DNS service like no-ip.com
or dyndns.com and use that dynamic hostname in the hostmask.
So i would like use a hostmask that include ident-function and last two octets (Provider-hostmask).
As additional secure is an authentication with ident-feature!
It´s possible to use the identification "Jim123" in flasfxp under "side manager/ftp-connection/advanced/ident user id" to identify the right user for connecting? I don´t like only use ".myprovider.com", so anybody can login.
The port 113 are forwarding to the right ip on my router.
Anyway i get always the same error in flashfxp:
530 Login failed: Your user ident response did not match.
In error.log:
03-20-2014 00:56:19 Host '*@xx.xxx.xxx.xxx' (xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.xxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx) did not match any of user 'Jim123' allowed ident responses.
In '*@xx.xxx.xxx.xxx' are the ip and in (xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.xxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx) are the ip and Provider hostmask.
Have anybody a idea whats are my problem at login-identification?
Many thanks in advance.