Originally Posted by Yil
7.0.3 is very old. In fact I don't think ioFTPD switched to OpenSSL until like v7.4. 7.7.3 should be much more stable than 7.0.3 was under load.
More importantly the microsoft encryption libraries used in v7.0.3 can't be upgraded by using the OpenSSL libs so if you want to use the new features you'll have to upgrade.
Not sure if it's easier to follow the upgrade directions for the releases between yours and the latest, or just use a file difference tool to see what changed and merged the files. Either way just make a copy of your current ioFTPD dir when the server isn't running so you'll have a fallback if you goof something up 
How would I best do this, with the least possible amount of trouble?
1: Copy the whole installation to another directory
2: Install the 7.7.3 over the copied version
3: Check the differences between my old ioftpd.ini and the newly installed one and copy the missing parameters one by one
Does that seem right or am I missing something?
Did you do any breaking changes that could cause my sitebot or ioninja to stop working?
Thanks for any tips