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Old 03-29-2014, 02:10 PM  
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 37

Thanks for your explanation, Yil. This is very explanative and i have to play around with it to understand.
In fact i already tried to fine tune the sections acl via the VFS rules, but it seems not as intuitive and self explanatory as i'd like to have it. Also your hint, to chmod the document root / to 555 seems impossible to realise since i dont have access to the root folders attributes from within FlashFXP. I can chmod any subdirectory to what i like. How would i access the root folder?

Regarding the VFS let me explain what i want with the following example. Lets say i have this structure

1) The level of the 'Section' folder must be creatable/deletable/renamable via script or VM-users only
2) The level of the '2014' folder must be creatable/deletable/renamable via script or VM-users only
3) The level of the '2014-01' folder must be creatable/deletable/renamable via script or VM-users only
4) The level of the '0101' folder must be creatable/deletable/renamable via script or VM-users only
5) The level of the 'subdirectories' folders can be creatable/deletable/renamable/uploadable/resumable via 3-users and higher
6) No further directories must be creatable within a subdirectory

Here is how i understood the VFS and tried to integrate the ACL.

MakeDir = /Section/[0-9]+/[0-9\-]+/[0-9]+/* 31VM
MakeDir = /Section/[0-9]+/[0-9\-]+/* VM
MakeDir = /Section/[0-9]+/* VM
MakeDir = /Section/* VM

Delete = /* 1VM
DeleteOwn = /* 31VM
MakeDir = /* 1VM
#Overwrite = /* 1VM
RemoveDir = /* 1VM
RemoveOwnDir = /* 31VM
Rename = /* 1VM
RenameOwn = /* 31VM
#Resume = /* 31VM
#Upload = /* 31VM

But this does not work no mather how i try. I don't understand if it is my expressions or a misunderstanding of the concept.
What i want to achive is that nobody but the VM-users can create directories directly under / and /Section. Under the section come the day dirs and users should be allowed to CRUD under the last date dir and only within this level.

Would you mind to explain in depth how to implement this?
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