Originally Posted by libojun
3. Grammar problem: Different Language in Different Environments would got Different translation
In the new language file, the String "03EECE5A=Total" has been quoted everywhere in FlashFXP v5. Maybe it meet the specifications of English grammar, but it would not suit for other languages, and made other translators not easy to translate.
So, would you please make it "One by One", not "All in One"?
As soon as all UTF8/Unicode issues are resolved I plan to do a full review of the translations and I have quite a few changes planned, please remind me of this if you don't see it changed.
We need to come up with a better way of separating nouns and verbs because in many instances the wrong translation is used. X3 had suggested that each translation has a developer/user comment area where additional information regarding the text could be displayed while simple to implement, it would be difficult and very time consuming to comment each individual line.