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Old 06-07-2013, 03:21 PM  
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Join Date: Nov 2012
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Default Doesn't download all the files


I've ran into a problem attempting to download files from an FTP server via FlashFXP. I do this to update a website once in a while, and I have seen this consistently multiple times.

Somebody uploads files to the FTP server for deployment. At which point I go to the FTP and prepare the deployment to go live. I download the files via FlashFXP, however the application sometimes MISSES NEW files that are in directories.

I've seen this in directories nested 2-3 down from root of the download location. However i have not seen any new files added to the root folder, so not sure if it is because of nested dirs.

Also please note that the upload to the FTP of files that i subsequently download is in a different timezone then I am location when i download the files.

It seemes that FlashFXP caches the view of the FTP folders and doesn't refresh it unless i click refresh specificalyl (even through i connect to the ftp server a second time). Also refreshing at the root folder doesn't seem to work, i need to go into the folder with new files and refresh there. No errors were observed during the transfer of the files.

This seems like a bug in the caching of the software, does anyone know of a workaround or something to ensure that the file list downloaded is complete when i reconnect to the server?

This is seen on FlashFXP 4.3.1 build 1951, registered.
Windows 7
Hardware firewall
No software firewall
No software antivirus
DSL connection

Thanks in advance.

Last edited by oartemenko; 06-07-2013 at 03:34 PM.
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