Yes its looking fantastic glad you like it, and thank you for your assistance updating them and fixing the issues thus far. Pretty
Of the issues reported I can confirm the ones fixed have been crossed off which leaves after cache clear and recaching a few grunts left.
- Thread tools/Add poll to this thread image is still old original image, all other images on that menu have been updated. SO that shouldn't require any php unless the others did.
That image is one of the /misc dir if Im not mistaken
- When searching for user posts the new and old post image is still original (has been updated everywhere else so far as I can see.
See for e.g., odd! If it required php altering idk as all else seem have updated on that. Its showing and should be and
- vbseo images still no show >
Only 3 images like for like shouldnt require any config file altering, just overwriting images, have you updated these?
- show old images for jpg thumbs -- /attach dir (which have been updated everywhere on forums) However one of which was updated and shows up (pre-yesterdays final images) image for png thumb, the jpg are still the old original gif though makes sense?
- Last is the user profile /about me tab, the edit filed
old image . gif
new one . png
Note had to remove the links and even text form had to put spaces in because for some odd reason cannot post links to userfield_edit .gif as they are automatically updated to userfield_edit.png
Ended up redoing the image as gif, since not a lot of detail is lost with that particular image.
If any of those require php fiddling or did idk

you know all that is

to me.
If theres any images that dont make sense let me know or anything else missed so far.
Edit I noticed another oddity, clicking on smilies cool w/sung-lasses and on cool w/moyican show both different images, when clicking preview and submitting post the sunglasses one is lost - hehe
same goes for all other smilies with different image same BB code, must be a side effect of how the images werew updated in code because the original images didnt have that issue the only difference is the png vs gif.