08-18-2014, 05:24 PM
FlashFXP Developer
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 8,012
5.0.0 Build 3753 (RC 1)
- Upgraded SFTP engine to latest version.
- Several changes to the way FlashFXP manages resources when running on battery power to be more eco-friendly.
- Several improvements to the Key Manager dialog.
- Added advanced ini only setting via flashfxp.ini to change the taskbar/window/tray icon-set. Contact us via the FlashFXP forums for more information.
5.0.0 Build 3754 (RC 1)
- Fixed a couple small memory leaks that were introduced in the previous build.
- Fixed issue where Drag/Drop from remote/browser/treeview to local/browser mangled Unicode folder names.
- Fixed issue where toggling marked list items from the browser/treeview didn't properly transform Unicode characters to utf8.
- Fixed a couple issues related to the per-site skiplist setting. If the setting was set to "checked" then it should be active regardless of the global skiplist setting.
- Fixed an issue in the remote/browser/treeview that caused the control viewport to move after an item is drag dropped into the control.
- Fixed slowness issue when toggling the visibility of the local browser/tree navigation pane.
- A few minor changes to the application strings, please submit your updated translations. Thank you

5.0.0 Build 3755 (RC 1)
- Fixed A/V crash when deleting a queue file from the restore queue dialog, a last minute change in the previous build introduced this error.
5.0.0 Build 3756 (RC 2)
- OpenSSL 1.0.1i
- Added missing phrase "rule" to translations, this is used in the status window when a file is skipped.. i.e. Skip [rule:1 equal Size-Date]: <filename>
- Modified the behavior of the liveupdate > launch update feature to display any confirmation prompts before continuing the update. If you select Yes then FlashFXP closes and the update installer runs. If you select No to any prompt then the update will run when you manually close FlashFXP.
- Added multi-line edit mode to the raw command dialog. The mode is toggled by clicking on the triangle button.
- Fixed issue with Time Zone setting "Attempt to auto-discover time offset" where the date/time shown in the directory listing retrieved immediately prior to the date/time adjustment was wrong.
- Minor changes to the Active Edits dialog. If you have an edit pending upload and you close FlashFXP a prompt appears warning you, after you select No to close FlashFXP then the Active Edits dialog is shown. Now when the Active Edits dialog is shown the list is updated to better reflect which files need to be uploaded.
5.0.0 Build 3757 (RC 2)
- Fixed incorrect date/time offset (Site Manager > Site profile > Time zone) when using certain UTC+0 zones with daylight savings when converting from server time to local time.
5.0.0 Build 3759 (RC 2)
- Added new command macro /shell <command> to send shell commands the shell when connected to a SFTP server. The server must provide a shell access for commands to work. You can en-queue commands or send them via the raw command prompt.
- Upgraded SBB library to the latest version, We use this library when working with x.509 certificates, public/private keys, and for SSH/SFTP support.
- A couple minor tweaks to the liveupdate routines, please let me know if you have problems with updating within FlashFXP. (though it would apply following this release.)
- I've updated more of the FlashFXP help file to reflect the new features and changes in v5.0.