Setting up knocking
I am having some problem with setting up knocking with ioFTPD correctly.
I have set:
Reject_Unknown_Ips = True
Knock_1 = 66788
Knock_2 = 66544
Knock_3 = 66700
If I try ioKnock and correctly knock there is a log entry in ioFTPD.log:
02-02-2013 23:52:51 KNOCK: ""
However, if I try to log on to the server there is still a login prompt, it just rejects my password:
[R] 530 Login failed: Invalid password.
As it claims my password is rejected it logs the following:
02-02-2013 23:52:58 Host '*@' (HOMECOMPUTER) did not match any of user 'admin' allowed hosts.
Also, with my IP added to the allowed hosts I cannot use the command "SITE KNOCK":
[R] 500 'SITE KNOCK': Command not understood.
The manual says that if knocking is not enabled, that command is also disabled.
Have I missed something? Am I supposed to enable knocking some other way except to reject unknown IPs and adding knock ports?
Help would be much appreciated.