Thread: identD problem
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Old 09-16-2012, 01:08 AM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 6
Default identD problem

* FlashFXP v[ 4.[ 2], build [1813], [x]registered, [ ]unregistered, [ ]pirated
* OS [x] Windows 7, [ ] Vista, [ ] WinXP, [ ] Other (specify)
* Running behind hardware router/firewall [Netgear] Yes & Model [ ], [ ] No, [ ] Not sure
* Running software firewall [windows] Yes, Name [ ], Ver. [ ], or [ ] No
* Running Antivirus [windows] Yes, Name [ ] or [ ] No
* Internet Connection [ ] DSL, [x] CABLE, [ ] Other(specify)

[L] 220 Oblivion (glFTPd 2.01 Linux+TLS) ready.
[L] 234 AUTH TLS successful
[L] Connected. Negotiating SSL/TLS session
[L] TLSv1 negotiation successful...
[L] TLSv1 encrypted session using cipher DHE-DSS-AES256-SHA (256 bits)
[L] PBSZ 0
[L] 200 PBSZ 0 successful
[L] USER ********
[L] 331 Password required for ********.
[L] PASS (hidden)
[L] 530 "*@213.*.*.*" is not valid for the account specified.
[L] Connection failed

For all sites i use, identd is required but for some reason it isnt working anymore for this site, its fine on all others. Any thoughts, help would be greatly appreciated.

Last edited by andrew.mack; 09-16-2012 at 01:14 AM.
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