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Old 09-15-2002, 09:25 AM  
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Join Date: Sep 2002
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Default WinXP Remote Desktop crashes with FFXP

I'm not fully sure that this is because of FFXP, but it has occured only when using FFXP.

I've used WinXP Remote Desktop about a year. Last week I upgraded my server (where I'm connected to with WinXP Remote Desktop) and did a fresh install of WinXP SP1. I also updated my "client" computer to (WinXP) SP1.

Soon after I got an error. I can't now remember it exactly, but it said something like error in Remote Desktop protocol. The Remote Desktop connection was lost. This happens when I am using FFXP on my server. My FFXP was the latest version that came from autoupdate. I then installed FFXP RC3 b876 but there is no difference.

After the Remote Desktop error, I sometimes can connect again right away, but sometimes it takes awhile. When I can't connect, it brings up the protocol error message as soon as connection is established. It seems that FFXP is doing something when the connection can't be made.

The crash usually occurs when using more then one FFXP at the same time. Also, the crash occurs especially when logging in to a ftp-site. Then I (usually) can't restore my Remote Desktop until FFXP timeouts from the ftp-site.

I'm really lost and pissed with this.
Anyone else had similar experiences.

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