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Old 12-12-2011, 12:46 PM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 5
Default [RESOLVED] 425 Unable to build data connection: Operation not permitted


I have an issue that forbids me to download a whole list at once.
FlashFXP downloads and retrieves 1 file and when it's complete FlashFXP can't connect anymore to the server, giving "425 Unable to build data connection: Operation not permitted" error, failing the transfer.

Here's an example log:

[18:30:12] [R] Connecting to Server -> IP=[server's IP] PORT=21 (attempt # 1)
[18:30:12] [R] Connected to Server
[18:30:12] [R] 220 ProFTPD 1.3.3a Server ([unknown IP]) [[server's IP]]
[18:30:12] [R] AUTH TLS
[18:30:12] [R] 234 AUTH TLS successful
[18:30:12] [R] Connected. Negotiating TLSv1 session
[18:30:12] [R] TLSv1 negotiation successful...
[18:30:12] [R] TLSv1 encrypted session using cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256 bits)
[18:30:12] [R] PBSZ 0
[18:30:12] [R] 200 PBSZ 0 successful
[18:30:12] [R] USER admin
[18:30:13] [R] 331 Password required for admin
[18:30:13] [R] PASS (hidden)
[18:30:14] [R] 230 Welcome, admin.
[18:30:14] [R] SYST
[18:30:14] [R] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[18:30:14] [R] FEAT
[18:30:14] [R] 211-Features:
[18:30:14] [R]  MDTM
[18:30:14] [R]  MFMT
[18:30:14] [R]  TVFS
[18:30:14] [R]  AUTH TLS
[18:30:14] [R]  MFF modify;;UNIX.mode;
[18:30:14] [R]  MLST modify*;perm*;size*;type*;unique*;*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner*;
[18:30:14] [R]  PBSZ
[18:30:14] [R]  PROT
[18:30:14] [R]  REST STREAM
[18:30:14] [R]  SIZE
[18:30:14] [R] 211 End
[18:30:14] [R] PWD
[18:30:14] [R] 257 "/" is the current directory
[18:30:14] [R] CWD /complete
[18:30:14] [R] 250 CWD command successful
[18:30:14] [R] PWD
[18:30:14] [R] 257 "/complete" is the current directory
[18:30:14] [R] PROT P
[18:30:14] [R] 200 Protection set to Private
[18:30:14] [R] PASV
[18:30:14] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (46,166,134,61,149,87).
[18:30:14] [R] Opening data connection IP: [server's IP] PORT: 38231
[18:30:14] [R] MLSD
[18:30:14] [R] Connected. Negotiating TLSv1 session
[18:30:14] [R] TLSv1 negotiation successful...
[18:30:14] [R] TLSv1 encrypted session using cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256 bits)
[18:30:14] [R] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for MLSD
[18:30:15] [R] 226 Transfer complete
[18:30:15] [R] List Complete: 1 KB in 0,48 seconds (1,1 KB/s)
[18:30:15] [R] TYPE I
[18:30:15] [R] 200 Type set to I
[18:30:15] [R] PASV
[18:30:15] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (46,166,134,61,137,23).
[18:30:15] [R] Opening data connection IP: [server's IP] PORT: 35095
[18:30:15] [R] REST 7316826112
[18:30:15] [R] 350 Restarting at 7316826112. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer
[18:30:15] [R] RETR [previous file in list]
[18:30:15] [R] Connected. Negotiating TLSv1 session
[18:30:15] [R] TLSv1 negotiation successful...
[18:30:15] [R] TLSv1 encrypted session using cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256 bits)
[18:30:15] [R] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for [previous file in list] (963412518 bytes)
[18:52:03] [R] 226 Transfer complete
[18:52:03] Resumed: [previous file in list] 918,78 MB in 21 minutes 48 seconds (719,4 KB/s)
[18:52:03] [R] MLST [next file in list]
[18:52:03] [R] 250-Start of list for [next file in list]
[18:52:03] [R] 250-modify=20111209181331;perm=adfrw;size=13967293923;type=file;unique=26UADC002;;UNIX.mode=0644;UNIX.owner=1000; [next file in list]
[18:52:03] [R] 250 End of list
[18:52:03] [R] PASV
[18:52:04] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (46,166,134,61,196,5).
[18:52:04] [R] Opening data connection IP: [server's IP] PORT: 50181
[18:52:04] [R] RETR [next file in list]
[18:52:04] [R] Connected. Negotiating TLSv1 session
[18:52:04] [R] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for [next file in list] (13967293923 bytes)
[18:52:04] [R] TLSv1 negotiation successful...
[18:52:04] [R] TLSv1 encrypted session using cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256 bits)
[18:52:04] [R] 425 Unable to build data connection: Operation not permitted
[18:52:04] [R] Transfer Failed!
[18:52:04] [R] MLST [next file in list]
[18:52:04] [R] 250-Start of list for [next file in list]
[18:52:04] [R] 250-modify=20111209181331;perm=adfrw;size=13967293923;type=file;unique=26UADC002;;UNIX.mode=0644;UNIX.owner=1000; [next file in list]
[18:52:04] [R] 250 End of list
[18:52:04] [R] PASV
[18:52:04] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (46,166,134,61,186,79).
[18:52:04] [R] Opening data connection IP: [server's IP] PORT: 47695
[18:52:04] [R] RETR [next file in list]
[18:52:04] [R] Connected. Negotiating TLSv1 session
[18:52:04] [R] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for [next file in list] (13967293923 bytes)
[18:52:04] [R] TLSv1 negotiation successful...
[18:52:04] [R] TLSv1 encrypted session using cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256 bits)
[18:52:04] [R] 425 Unable to build data connection: Operation not permitted
[18:52:04] [R] Transfer Failed!
I've tried every settings combinations I can, issue is still there.
The fact is that I've already downloaded whole lists of files on this server, but I had to reinstall my computer (Win7 Ultimate x64) while I did not backed up FlashFXP settings, forcing me to reinstall it without those working settings.
Or maybe it comes from the last version of FlashFXP, really don't know.

If you have a clue, I'm in.


Last edited by diez.david; 12-23-2011 at 01:31 PM. Reason: Issue resolved
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