The first thing I would try is adjusting the character encoding, this setting is per-site as well as global but its best to adjust it per-site first. This can be done via the Site Manager > Options tab (for FTP sites) or Site Manager > Connect tab (for SFTP sites)
The two settings to try are ANSI and UTF-8
Select ANSI first and click apply then connect to the site, try to transfer the file and see what happens. If you could include a copy of the text from the session window it would help.
If that doesn't work, disconnect and then try UTF-8 and repeat the process above.
Some FTP servers indicate that they support UTF-8 but the result isn't always UTF-8.
If you're using the list command MLSD typically the result would be UTF-8, but if you're using LIST sometimes its can be UTF-8 or ANSI.
If both methods fail to produce a usable result we can review the session logs and go from there, sometimes a copy of the raw directory listing can be quite useful as well, this is obtained from the main menu under Directory > View Raw Directory, or Copy Directory to clipboard is handy for pasting it in a reply.
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