05-24-2011 11:19:58 "..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl" terminated abnormally
--- ErrorInfo ---
couldn't compile regular expression pattern: parentheses () not balanced
while executing
"regsub -nocase $basedirs $dir $pwd"
(procedure "::ioNiNJA::resort" line 14)
invoked from within
"::ioNiNJA::resort "
("RESORT" arm line 1)
invoked from within
"switch -- [lindex $args 0] {
set temp [userfile open [resolve uid [lindex [user list] 0]]]
set temp [mountfile open ../etc/defaul..
This is one of my error
I have an new install ioftpd with ioioNiNJA
When i upload new files to the server then it works sort sctipt