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Old 05-03-2011, 02:11 PM  
Junior Member
yabbah's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Sweden
Posts: 29

It crashed now, here is the crashreport:

date/time         : 2011-05-03, 21:07:15, 730ms
computer name     : YABBAH-PC
user name         : yabbah <admin>
registered owner  : yabbah
operating system  : Windows 7 Starter build 7600
system language   : Swedish
system up time    : 6 days 21 hours
program up time   : 1 second
processor         : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67GHz
physical memory   : 875/1536 MB (free/total)
free disk space   : (C:) 46,94 GB
display mode      : 2560x1357, 32 bit
process id        : $42c
allocated memory  : 27,63 MB
command line      : "C:\Program Files\FlashFXP 4\FlashFXP.exe" -download site -localpath="N:\to\this\path\" -remotepath="/from/this/path/" -c2 -datafolder="C:\ProgramData\FlashFXP\4" -tray
executable        : FlashFXP.exe
exec. date/time   : 2011-04-28 00:41
executable hash   : 27A58847BCF0ED95E278A57E0D858DD9
version           :
callstack crc     : $ea5bada3, $6aefab2c, $6aefab2c
exception number  : 1
exception class   : EAccessViolation
exception message : Access violation at address 0076FBBF in module 'FlashFXP.exe'. Read of address 000001EC.

main thread ($924):
0076fbbf +039f FlashFXP.exe FrmMain1 27019  +72 TFrmMain.DefineStatusbar
0073862a +2b72 FlashFXP.exe FrmMain1  6523 +979 TFrmMain.Transfer1Click
0072fea7 +003b FlashFXP.exe FrmMain1  3233   +9 TFrmMain.WMTRANS
0044bf1d +0111 FlashFXP.exe Controls            TControl.WndProc
0044e78a +01ae FlashFXP.exe Controls            TWinControl.WndProc
0043ecb1 +0571 FlashFXP.exe Forms               TCustomForm.WndProc
0050ba72 +0042 FlashFXP.exe ThemeMgr            TWindowProcList.DispatchMessage
0050c40f +00ff FlashFXP.exe ThemeMgr            TThemeManager.FormWindowProc
0050d92c +000c FlashFXP.exe ThemeMgr            TThemeManager.PreFormWindowProc
0044e414 +002c FlashFXP.exe Controls            TWinControl.MainWndProc
0043bd82 +006a FlashFXP.exe Forms               SetAutoSubClass
75b23573 +000a user32.dll                       DispatchMessageA
00444b83 +008b FlashFXP.exe Forms               TApplication.ProcessMessage
00444bba +000a FlashFXP.exe Forms               TApplication.HandleMessage
00444e6f +00bf FlashFXP.exe Forms               TApplication.Run
007a0180 +1d44 FlashFXP.exe FlashFXP   925 +644 initialization
759e1172 +0010 kernel32.dll                     BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $f2c:
77585e7a +0a ntdll.dll     NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
759e1172 +10 kernel32.dll  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $e28:
77585e7a +0a ntdll.dll     NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
759e1172 +10 kernel32.dll  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $bec:
77585e4a +000a ntdll.dll                NtWaitForMultipleObjects
758f686c +0000 KERNELBASE.dll           WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
759df125 +0089 kernel32.dll             WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
75b290b8 +a43f user32.dll               MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx
75b259f9 +001a user32.dll               MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
004bca51 +0eb1 FlashFXP.exe   madExcept Ebp
004bd158 +15b8 FlashFXP.exe   madExcept Ebp
759e1172 +0010 kernel32.dll             BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $a58:
77585e4a +0a ntdll.dll     NtWaitForMultipleObjects
759e1172 +10 kernel32.dll  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $a14: <priority:1>
775857ea +0a ntdll.dll     NtRemoveIoCompletion
759e1172 +10 kernel32.dll  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $c28:
77585e7a +0a ntdll.dll     NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
759e1172 +10 kernel32.dll  BaseThreadInitThunk

00200000 cbht.dll                                C:\Program Files\xStarter
00220000 prl_hook.dll         6.0.11994.0        C:\Program Files\Parallels\Parallels Tools\Services
00240000 xsht.DLL                                C:\Program Files\xStarter
00400000 FlashFXP.exe         C:\Program Files\FlashFXP 4
03d90000 ssleay32.dll            C:\Program Files\FlashFXP 4
10000000 libeay32.dll            C:\Program Files\FlashFXP 4
6c9c0000 dssenh.dll           6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
70480000 LINKINFO.dll         6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
70490000 shdocvw.dll          6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\System32
704c0000 NetworkExplorer.dll  6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
70940000 winspool.drv         6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
70dd0000 IconCodecService.dll 6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
70de0000 ntshrui.dll          6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
70ef0000 explorerframe.dll    6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
71b10000 rasadhlp.dll         6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
71b20000 wsock32.dll          6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
71f60000 winmm.dll            6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
72260000 cscapi.dll           6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
72270000 DAVHLPR.dll          6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\System32
72280000 davclnt.dll          6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\System32
722a0000 ntlanman.dll         6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\System32
722c0000 drprov.dll           6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\System32
722d0000 prl_np.dll           6.0.11994.0        C:\Windows\System32
722f0000 MPR.dll              6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
72540000 fwpuclnt.dll         6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\System32
739b0000 WINNSI.DLL           6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
739f0000 IPHLPAPI.DLL         6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
73a40000 slc.dll              6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
73d70000 ntmarta.dll          6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
73e10000 samcli.dll           6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
73e30000 wkscli.dll           6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
73e40000 netutils.dll         6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
73e50000 WindowsCodecs.dll    6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
73f80000 olepro32.dll         6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
74100000 DUser.dll            6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
74130000 DUI70.dll            6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
74400000 uxtheme.dll          6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
744e0000 PROPSYS.dll          7.0.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
745e0000 SAMLIB.dll           6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
74730000 comctl32.dll         6.10.7600.16385    C:\Windows\WinSxS\
74b90000 version.dll          6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
74c20000 wshtcpip.dll         6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\System32
74cf0000 USERENV.dll          6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
74eb0000 rsaenh.dll           6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
74f90000 DNSAPI.dll           6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
750c0000 wship6.dll           6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\System32
750d0000 mswsock.dll          6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
75110000 CRYPTSP.dll          6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
75220000 srvcli.dll           6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
75320000 Secur32.dll          6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
75560000 SSPICLI.DLL          6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
75590000 apphelp.dll          6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
755e0000 CRYPTBASE.dll        6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
75660000 profapi.dll          6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
75670000 WINSTA.dll           6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\System32
75700000 MSASN1.dll           6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
75710000 CFGMGR32.dll         6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
757d0000 crypt32.dll          6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
758f0000 KERNELBASE.dll       6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
75970000 DEVOBJ.dll           6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
75990000 kernel32.dll         6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
75a70000 NSI.dll              6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
75a80000 WS2_32.dll           6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
75ac0000 GDI32.dll            6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
75b10000 user32.dll           6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
75be0000 MSCTF.dll            6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
75cb0000 SETUPAPI.dll         6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
75e50000 USP10.dll            1.626.7600.16385   C:\Windows\system32
75ef0000 WLDAP32.dll          6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
75f40000 msvcrt.dll           7.0.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
75ff0000 shell32.dll          6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
76d80000 SHLWAPI.dll          6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
76df0000 comdlg32.dll         6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
76e70000 RPCRT4.dll           6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
76f20000 CLBCatQ.DLL          2001.12.8530.16385 C:\Windows\system32
76fe0000 ole32.dll            6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
77350000 IMM32.DLL            6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
77370000 sechost.dll          6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
77390000 LPK.dll              6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
774a0000 advapi32.dll         6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32
77540000 ntdll.dll            6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
776e0000 oleaut32.dll         6.1.7600.16385     C:\Windows\system32

000 Idle                   0 0   0
004 System                 0 0   0
0fc smss.exe               0 0   0
150 csrss.exe              0 0   0
188 csrss.exe              1 0   0
190 wininit.exe            0 0   0
1b4 winlogon.exe           1 0   0
1f0 services.exe           0 0   0
1f8 lsass.exe              0 0   0
200 lsm.exe                0 0   0
26c svchost.exe            0 0   0
2a8 svchost.exe            0 0   0
308 svchost.exe            0 0   0
33c svchost.exe            0 0   0
354 svchost.exe            0 0   0
3e8 svchost.exe            0 0   0
440 svchost.exe            0 0   0
4f8 spoolsv.exe            0 0   0
500 taskhost.exe           1 12  15  normal C:\Windows\system32
53c svchost.exe            0 0   0
5a8 svchost.exe            0 0   0
5c8 coherence.exe          0 0   0
5e0 coherence.exe          1 0   0
5ec prl_tools_service.exe  0 0   0
618 svchost.exe            0 0   0
630 prl_tools.exe          1 0   0
730 Dwm.exe                1 5   2   normal C:\Windows\system32
784 Explorer.EXE           1 308 203 normal C:\Windows
158 svchost.exe            0 0   0
1fc rundll32.exe           1 11  7   normal C:\Windows\System32
4e4 xStarter.exe           1 40  40  normal C:\Program Files\xStarter
718 SharedIntApp.exe       1 5   3   normal C:\Program Files\Parallels\Parallels Tools\SIA
678 prl_cc.exe             1 47  29  normal C:\Program Files\Parallels\Parallels Tools
164 mirc.exe               1 206 189 normal C:\Program Files\mIRC
8ec SearchIndexer.exe      0 0   0
990 xStartUI.exe           1 332 297 normal C:\Program Files\xStarter
a34 wmpnetwk.exe           0 0   0
ddc svchost.exe            0 0   0
fc8 FlashFXP.exe           1 84  39  normal C:\Program Files\FlashFXP 4
25c FlashFXP.exe           1 84  39  normal C:\Program Files\FlashFXP 4
b78 FlashFXP.exe           1 84  39  normal C:\Program Files\FlashFXP 4
d40 FlashFXP.exe           1 84  40  normal C:\Program Files\FlashFXP 4
e24 FlashFXP.exe           1 198 158 normal C:\Program Files\FlashFXP 4
c10 taskhost.exe           0 0   0
c78 SearchProtocolHost.exe 0 0   0
46c SearchFilterHost.exe   0 0   0   idle   C:\Windows\system32
d18 FlashFXP.exe           1 159 136 normal C:\Program Files\FlashFXP 4
42c FlashFXP.exe           1 92  59  normal C:\Program Files\FlashFXP 4

+ Computer
  - ACPI x86-based PC
+ Disk drives
  - Virtual  HDD [0] ATA Device
+ Display adapters
  - Parallels Display Adapter (WDDM) (driver 6.0.11994.0)
+ DVD/CD-ROM drives
  -  Virtual DVD-ROM ATA Device
+ Floppy disk drives
  - Floppy disk drive
+ Floppy drive controllers
  - Standard floppy disk controller
+ Human Interface Devices
  - USB Input Device
  - USB Input Device
  - USB Input Device
+ IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers
  - ATA Channel 0
  - ATA Channel 0
  - Intel(R) 82801BA Ultra ATA Storage Controller - 244B
  - Standard AHCI 1.0 Serial ATA Controller
+ Keyboards
  - HID Keyboard Device
  - Standard PS/2 Keyboard
+ Mice and other pointing devices
  - HID-compliant mouse
  - Parallels Mouse Synchronization Device (driver 6.0.11994.0)
  - Parallels USB Mouse Synchronization Device (driver 6.0.11994.0)
+ Monitors
  - Generic Non-PnP Monitor
+ Network adapters
  - Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Network Connection
+ Ports (COM & LPT)
  - Printer Port (LPT1)
+ Processors
  - Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU         750  @ 2.67GHz
+ Sound, video and game controllers
  - Parallels Audio Controller (x32) (driver 6.0.11994.0)
+ Storage volume shadow copies
  - Generic volume shadow copy
  - Generic volume shadow copy
  - Generic volume shadow copy
  - Generic volume shadow copy
  - Generic volume shadow copy
  - Generic volume shadow copy
  - Generic volume shadow copy
  - Generic volume shadow copy
  - Generic volume shadow copy
+ System devices
  - ACPI Fixed Feature Button
  - Composite Bus Enumerator
  - DEC 21150 PCI to PCI bridge
  - Direct memory access controller
  - File as Volume Driver
  - Intel(R) 82801 PCI Bridge - 244E
  - Intel(R) 82802 Firmware Hub Device
  - Intel(R) G35 Express Chipset PCI Express Root Port - 2981
  - Intel(R) ICH8/ICH8R Family LPC Interface Controller - 2810
  - Intel(R) P965/G965 Processor to I/O Controller - 29A0
  - Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System
  - Microsoft System Management BIOS Driver
  - Microsoft Virtual Drive Enumerator Driver
  - Motherboard resources
  - Numeric data processor
  - Parallels Paravirtualization driver (driver 6.0.11994.0)
  - Parallels Tool Device (driver 6.0.11994.0)
  - PCI bus
  - Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator
  - Printer Port Logical Interface
  - Programmable interrupt controller
  - System board
  - System CMOS/real time clock
  - System speaker
  - System timer
  - Terminal Server Keyboard Driver
  - Terminal Server Mouse Driver
  - UMBus Enumerator
  - UMBus Root Bus Enumerator
  - Volume Manager
+ Universal Serial Bus controllers
  - Generic USB Hub
  - Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 2658
  - Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 265C
  - USB Composite Device
  - USB Root Hub
  - USB Root Hub

cpu registers:
eax = 00000000
ebx = 00000000
ecx = 0076fbed
edx = 0012f260
esi = 00000000
edi = 00000000
eip = 0076fbbf
esp = 0012ea44
ebp = 0012f280

stack dump:
0012ea44  a8 3a 40 00 78 ea 12 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  .:@.x...........
0012ea54  00 00 00 00 f9 65 58 77 - 60 ef 12 00 60 f2 12 00  .....eXw`...`...
0012ea64  70 eb 12 00 64 eb 12 00 - 60 f2 12 00 34 66 58 77  p...d...`...4fXw
0012ea74  60 f2 12 00 40 ee 12 00 - cb 65 58 77 60 ef 12 00  `...@....eXw`...
0012ea84  60 f2 12 00 70 eb 12 00 - 64 eb 12 00 e8 fb 76 00  `...p...d.....v.
0012ea94  01 00 00 00 60 ef 12 00 - 60 f2 12 00 12 90 56 77  ....`...`.....Vw
0012eaa4  60 ef 12 00 60 f2 12 00 - 70 eb 12 00 64 eb 12 00  `...`...p...d...
0012eab4  e8 fb 76 00 8c ee 12 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ..v.............
0012eac4  66 00 71 00 66 00 00 00 - 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  f.q.f...........
0012ead4  54 ec 12 00 00 00 00 00 - 54 ee 7f 01 f0 ea 12 00  T.......T.......
0012eae4  64 00 00 00 43 00 00 00 - 50 97 38 00 00 00 2c 00  d...C...P.8...,.
0012eaf4  d0 99 38 00 00 00 2c 00 - d0 99 38 00 54 4d 40 00  ..8...,...8.TM@.
0012eb04  00 00 00 00 0d 00 00 00 - f8 eb 12 00 43 00 00 00  ............C...
0012eb14  00 00 2c 00 50 97 38 00 - f8 eb 12 00 70 34 59 77  ..,.P.8.....p4Yw
0012eb24  9f 34 59 77 ae 22 59 77 - 96 60 1a 54 9c ec 12 00  .4Yw."Yw.`.T....
0012eb34  bc 01 2c 00 00 00 2c 00 - 50 97 38 00 00 00 00 00  ..,...,.P.8.....
0012eb44  0d 00 00 0d 87 03 5d 4e - 70 99 38 00 78 84 e9 04  ......]Np.8.x...
0012eb54  d8 0d 33 00 68 00 00 00 - 00 00 2c 00 00 00 01 00  ..3.h.....,.....
0012eb64  50 97 38 00 00 f0 11 00 - 00 00 13 00 07 00 01 00  P.8.............
0012eb74  6f 31 59 77 7e 67 1a 54 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 2c 00  o1Yw~g.T......,.

0076fb90         call    -$28c559 ($4e363c)     ; ComCtrls.TStatusPanels.GetItem
0076fb95         pop     edx
0076fb96         call    -$28c5cb ($4e35d0)     ; ComCtrls.TStatusPanel.SetWidth
0076fb9b       loc_76fb9b:
0076fb9b 27016   mov     [$7c8234], bl
0076fba1 27017   mov     eax, [ebp-4]
0076fba4         call    +$11b ($76fcc4)        ; FrmMain1.TFrmMain.ResizeStatusPanels
0076fba9         xor     eax, eax
0076fbab         pop     edx
0076fbac         pop     ecx
0076fbad         pop     ecx
0076fbae         mov     fs:[eax], edx
0076fbb1         push    $76fbef
0076fbb6       loc_76fbb6:
0076fbb6 27019   mov     eax, [ebp-4]
0076fbb9         mov     eax, [eax+$440]
0076fbbf       > mov     eax, [eax+$1ec]
0076fbc5         mov     edx, [eax]
0076fbc7         call    dword ptr [edx+$18]
0076fbca 27020   mov     eax, [ebp-4]
0076fbcd         mov     eax, [eax+$5cc]
0076fbd3         cmp     byte ptr [eax+$47], 0
0076fbd7         jz      loc_76fbe7
0076fbd9 27021   mov     eax, [ebp-4]
0076fbdc         mov     eax, [eax+$440]
0076fbe2         mov     edx, [eax]
0076fbe4         call    dword ptr [edx+$7c]
0076fbe7       loc_76fbe7:
0076fbe7         ret
0076fbe7       ; ---------------------------------------------------------
0076fbe8         jmp     -$36c171 ($403a7c)     ; System.@HandleFinally
Dont say me much .. hehe. I have edited the path-section, as I dont want to show it public
yabbah is offline