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Old 01-08-2015, 04:12 AM  
Too much time...
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 1,194

I've been using VS 2008 to build with and it works fine. I'm not sure why you would be seeing those build errors. I believe I've also used VS 2010 when working on v8 so that should work as well and I don't see any reason why 2012/2013 wouldn't work either as this is just C code and not C++ stuff. x64 would require a lot of work in my opinion though I'd love to do it just to get better encryption performance out of OpenSSL. However it would probably break any existing shared memory add-ons. I was actually willing to do that but I figured if I was going to break stuff I'd want a much nicer interface to replace it with and that was one of the sidetracks I got off on when playing with v8.

The IoDebug.c stuff has to do with crashlog generation. That requires you have installed the Window Debug kit so you have dbghelp.dll and it's headers plus you might need the Windows Platform Kit/headers as well. Can you check to see if you have those installed?
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