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Old 09-12-2012, 12:56 AM  
Too much time...
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 1,194

Hmm, I guess it has been a long time since I've released anything after things got pretty stable... I'm pretty busy over the next month or so but after that I'll get back to work, but I'm not sure on what. I started played around with a C# library early this year and toyed with the idea of a ioGUI replacement built on top of that, but I found some issues / missing features that it appeared Microsoft would be fixing with .NET 4.5 so I decided to wait to see how that would turn out. It came out Aug 15th and will be in win8, but annoyingly they decided not to support XP SP3. That's not a deal breaker, but I was hoping the final would include that even if the betas didn't. More annoying to me was the whole direction, or lack of it, MS is taking. Nobody has a flaming clue what is going to be further developed these days. What's the future of C# XAML, etc? I was hoping to hear some positive notes about what MS sees as the future, but so far they keep talking HTML5 and all this WinRT stuff but that doesn't really seem like a good fit for line-of-business type apps at the moment. I'd hate to develop a whole UI just to see the effort wasted in a few years.

The other reason I'd like a GUI is to handle some new features easier. The first version would just show users, etc, but eventually things like the task scheduler, bandwidth limiting (rule driven), user-flag definitions, host/FXP bans, etc would, in my mind, be handled much easier with a UI. I wasn't planning on dumping the .ini files though, the UI would just edit the config through the server which could write the .ini file back out.

The HUGE HUGE HUGE benefits a better ioGUI could make is pretty tempting reason to write one. You could for instance get all sorts of useful info out of the server in a pretty format (that's why I wanted XAML). But even better is the configuration help because ioGUI could apply some sanity checking to .ini settings which is needed and provided feedback on what rules apply where, etc. The whole .vfs editing thing would be much cleaner too.

Anyway, I was hoping for some new features and commitment from MS and didn't really get most of it. None of that stops me from releasing new ioFTPD versions though, and no reason I can't hold off on some of the bigger stuff and get all stuff I've done already out there.

On the other hand, I really haven't seen many bug reports. I've obviously fixed a whole pile I've uncovered, but I'd really appreciate it if people would let me know what's broke.
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