Require_Encrypted_Auth = !-ioFTPD *
Require_Encrypted_Data = !-ioFTPD *
;Certificate_Name = ioFTPD
Create_Certificate = True
Explicit_Encryption = True
;Encryption_Protocol = SSL3
OpenSSL_Options = ALL
speedtest just single disk and there was other activity at the same time so not so good as it should be.. but okey. and i also changed port.. not using 21
[R] RETR xxxx.xxxx-sst.mkv
[R] Connected. Negotiating TLSv1 session
[R] TLSv1 negotiation successful...
[R] TLSv1 encrypted session using cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256 bits)
[R] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for xxxx.xxxx-sst.mkv (1156306883 bytes) using SSL/TLS.
[R] 226-[ Section (#5): TV ] [ Ratio: Leech ] [ Credits: 0 MB ]
[R] 226 [ UL: 0 MB ] [ DL: 1.17 GB ] [ Speed: 39.3 MB/Sec ] [ Free: 886 GB ]
Transferred: xxxx.xxxx-sst.mkv 1,08 GB in 28,06 seconds (39,30 MB/s)