Originally Posted by paja1
Unfortunately my speed issues are still there. Is there anybody else having similar issue?
That version 6.x is much faster than 7.x?
I thought it was because of MS Security Essentials, but i was wrong.
I had to roll back back to 6.6. But 7.7.3 is more stable and have no issue with refreshing of folders behind NTFS Symlinks. So i would like to go back to 7.7. but i have to choose between features and stability vs. ultimate speed.
I have to clue what to do at this point. Additionally i still have the issue with "invisible" files. Any help? Anyone? Please!
Well i have some speed problems too. When im downloading with AUTH SSL and 'Encrypt data while transfering' i get always max 300-350kb/s. But if i connect and start download from same ftp with another 2-3 threads i get my max 2mb/s download. Same is with FXP on other 100mbit/gbit sites. With more thread i get higher speed. Well so for local download im using option when i disable 'Encrypt data while transfering = so no ssl'. But for FXP i cant do anything coz other site has 'Use encrypted FXP only'. And one more thing. Upload with SSL is max 10MB/s (on 100mbit line), but download with SSL is much more lower. around 1-3MB/s
How to tweak up SSL transfers ?
When i change the Io_Thread and Worker_Thread, do i need to full restart ioftpd or i can do just rehash ?
I have Intel CPU 6320, 1.86GHz (2 cores). 1GB of RAM (still like ~500mb free) on win2003 system. Io_Thread = 8, Worker_Thread = 10 (i had 4 and 8 before but nothing changed)