Flow: You're probably using the ioDELUSER script and in that case 'site ban' is handled by it (it's not a built-in command). The ban info simply goes into to a temp file the script keeps. That's actually a nice little script, but the site deluser, readd, purge features it offers are now all built-in commands that are much nicer. The big problem I have with it is it has to catch the PASS command at login to check for banned logins, and every SITE command to override deluser. Today this would not be an issue since you can use the ^ command prefix to have a script override any particular built-in command you want, but when this script was written they did it the only way possible.
The ban/unban feature isn't 100% replaceable yet because even though I've added a low overhead method of banning a user via a .ini file option and a userfile flag so that it only calls the script only when a ban is detected, there is no simple command to ban a user for only a specified time. That functionality either requires a new small script or for me to add the required field into the userfile or overload a field which I'm waiting on because doing so breaks things like nxMyDB.