Originally Posted by Yil
1) Are transfers using SSL? If so then you may notice a small difference from the switch to certain much more secure (though more computationally expensive) algorithms available under OpenSSL. There are ways to compare apples to oranges by forcing ioFTPD to use certain algorithms but I wouldn't recommend that.
Yes, default settings as it's in distribution zip file.
Originally Posted by Yil
2) How many transfers do you have going at a time? I'm assuming you're comparing speeds of just a single transfer (remember to count the OTHER ioFTPD on the machine as well!). If that's true then make sure nothing else is using the CPU on the machine...
Just one at the time, in both cases. CPU is quite ok, max. 7-8% utilization, during SSL transfer.
NO other application(s) are running, except system, explorer, etc.. of course
Originally Posted by Yil
3) Check for Io_Threads = 4 in the .ini file, I'd suggest your dual core CPU use 4 io_threads.
Was set to 4, already (as it's by default)
Originally Posted by Yil
4) Make sure you aren't limiting speeds in any way, if you know you never do set Scheduler_Update_Speed = DISABLED. If you enable speed throttling on a transfer (either via the userfile or for every connection on a device) it will effect maximum throughput, sometimes substantially because it breaks things up into smaller packets if your network is faster than the limit. This is exactly what you want if you need to share your bandwidth with skype or video conferencing but not what you want if speed is your only concern...
Disabled by me, as first try to "fix" the speed issues. But i always had it as HIGH before upgrading to 7.7 from 6.5.
Originally Posted by Yil
5) See how fast things go locally. This is the surest test to rule out the enormous number of network issues/settings that can effect transfer speeds. If you see that huge transfer difference locally then we'll have to take a deeper look at network stuff. I forget who it was who helped diagnose the OpenSSL problem for # of transfers > CPUs but that bug was fixed and it was reproducible locally.
Ok, here are my results over network:
7.7.3 - with SSL 256 bits
Transferred: speedtest.100 95.37 MB in 42.28 seconds (2.26 MB/s)
7.7.3 - without SSL
Transferred: speedtest.100 95.37 MB in 5.32 seconds (17.94 MB/s)
6.5.1 - with SSL 128 bits
Transferred: speedtest.100 95.37 MB in 6.06 seconds (15.73 MB/s)
6.5.1 - without SSL
Transferred: speedtest.100 95.37 MB in 5.31 seconds (17.97 MB/s)
Ok, here are my results locally:
7.7.3 - with SSL 256 bits
Transferred: speedtest.100 95,37 MB in 4,95 seconds (19,25 MB/s)
7.7.3 - without SSL
Transferred: speedtest.100 95,37 MB in 4,22 seconds (22,60 MB/s)
6.5.1 - with SSL 128 bits
Transferred: speedtest.100 95,37 MB in 2,94 seconds (32,47 MB/s)
6.5.1 - without SSL
Transferred: speedtest.100 95,37 MB in 2,75 seconds (33,67 MB/s)
-- so i founded what caused that --
There is installed "Microsoft Security Essentials". Strange is that it didn't affect output stream in 6.5.1 but 7.7.3 (OpenSSL) yes...
I turned it off (actually only "Monitor programs activity" was enow) and I've got comparable speed like with 6.5.1
Sorry to bother you all and thanks for your responses even it was my fault.
Thanks a lot guys!