Oh, the downloading of partial files idea... I mentioned that list of optimizations, and one of them includes a number of tweaks to how and when things are done in the file transfer engine. I have a pretty good idea of what I'd like to do to make it go faster but when I re-wrote a lot of that to switch over to OpenSSL I didn't want to introduce anything that was too complex in case it broke lots of things... I did however keep the idea of downloading an active upload in mind, since a couple of people wanted it as an option, and it wouldn't be trivial but I can think of one or two ways it might be done. It won't be anytime soon though...
Some things that might come sooner would be smaller things like an option to bypass using the windows file cache for files being downloaded. I think this might be useful since right now files downloaded go into the file cache like everything on the machine normally does, but this ends up pushing newly uploaded files out sooner than I'd like. If most of the time you end up downloading files that were just uploaded this could be a performance win especially since it's far more likely that a newly uploaded file would be downloaded more than once so it's best if it stays in the windows file cache. It's important to point out that this is windows file caching in extra unused memory on the machine, the actual memory footprint of ioFTPD itself wouldn't change at all. Obviously this would help systems with lots of memory much more.