There isn't any current limitation in the number of subdirs so that shouldn't be a problem. Can you see it in the parent's directory listing but not enter it? In that case my guess would be similar to o_dog's, check if there any special characters in the name if you look at it in window's explorer? If you can't see the subdir from its parent then it could still be a weird character, but it could also be a number of other things including being a NTFS hidden/system dir, an ioFTPD hidden dir (unless you're a VM flagged user), etc.
If you were to zip/rar the dir and extract it somewhere else does the FTP show it? If you manually delete the .ioFTPD* files from the copy does that change anything (use 'site refresh' to force cache of parent and dir itself to get new copies)? If it's still missing then delete the big files from the dir, zip/rar the nfo/sfv/etc and I'll look at it.