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Old 06-01-2011, 03:20 AM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 7

Hi and thanks for further developing this awsome ftpd software although I've stumbled upon some sort of strange problem. I've configured everything to my liking in the ioFTPD.ini file an example is to turn on Encryption login and data transfers using TLS and also check for ident.

The thing that has happened is, yesterday I could logon but when I boot it up today I can't, it says that my password is wrong even though I haven't changed it. When I check the Error.log it reports the following:
06-01-2011 09:48:55 Host '*@80.92.#.#' () did not match any of user 'tempuser' allowed ident responses.

Another thing is that it doesn't seem to really check for an ident even when I have the first Secure_Ip_1 checking for it.

In case you want to see it this is how it looks in my config:
Secure_Ip_1 = 1 1 2 G1M

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