Originally Posted by opcode
From the 7.7.0 release notes:
[Threads] : Io_Threads = 4
Remove Encryption_Threads option.
Section commands changed.
What does "Section commands changed" mean, e.g. what am i supposed to change in my ioftpd.ini when upgrading from 7.6.3 ?
All this
v7.7.0 Release Notes:
1) Files in \System:
Changed : ioFTPD.[exe,pdb] - Version
Changed : tcl85t.[dll,pdb] - Version
Changed : libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll - Version
Added : libeay32.pdb, ssleay32.pdb - Version
Changed : Help-SiteCmds.ini
Changed : ioFTPD.ini - summary of changes by section...
[FTP_Service] : OpenSSL_Options options and comments changed.
[VFS] : Default_Directory_Attributes = 777 0:0
[FTP_SITE_Permissions] : Rename "sectionnum" to "sectionums"
stat = *
[Ftp] : Single_Closed_Exempt_Name added
Who_Sort_Output added
Who_Hidden_Users comment changed
Banned_User_Flag added
[Threads] : Io_Threads = 4
Remove Encryption_Threads option.
Section commands changed.
2) Directories in \lib:
Replace entire reg1.2 directory.
Replace entire dde1.3 directory.
Replace entire tcl8 directory.
The tcl8.5 directory is a bit trickier. Probably the easiest thing to
do is copy and overwrite all the files from the new directory into your
existing dir. For the record, here's some info on the subdirs:
TCL: http1.0, msgs, opt0.4, tzdata (encoding not shipped w/ioFTPD)
ioNinja-v0.8.9.6-2009-06-29: encoding, http, http2.5, twapi, zlib1.1
*** nxHelper shipped with ioNinja is v2.3 but you need the v2.4
one from nxTools else you get package require errors!
*** opt0.4 is part of TCL, use the one shipped with ioFTPD
*** reg1.1 is old, ioFTPD includes lib/reg1.2 which is better
lib/nxHelper and lib/sqlite3 are part of nxTools
3) Files in \text\ftp:
Changed : GroupList.[Header, Body]
Changed : MyInfo.[Sections, Totals]
Changed : UserInfo.[Sections, Totals]
Changed : UserList.Footer
4) Files in \Doc:
Changed : Cookies.txt
Changed : Events.txt
Changed : iTCL.txt
Changed : Site-cmds.txt
5) Files in \Source
Changed : Site-cmds.help
Replace all the files it tells you to replace, then look at new ioftpd.ini and look at your old one and make the changes it suggests
For example, look under
in ioftpd.ini and change (if required)
Io_Threads = 4
then lok for the
Encryption_Threads - line and remove it
As for the section commands changed, im guessing that
Changed : ioFTPD.ini - summary of changes by section...
Is all you have to worry about as it lists what has been changed there.
After you have done all that follow the ChangeLog.txt for 7.7.2, and you should be good to go