I agree that it looks like a problem with port forwarding at first glance. The interesting thing to me is that you don't get a timed out connection attempt. Most home routers play dumb and drop packets they aren't set to forward rather than reject the connection so seeing the refused message isn't what I would have expected. The most likely cause of something like that is for people who have more than 1 computer behind a NAT firewall and they are forwarding the ports to the wrong computer... That usually happens because they don't set a fixed private IP like or something and instead rely on DHCP to give them an IP address which can change over time especially if you have a wireless router.
I should also point out Kathorga's FTP really should be giving out the 88.199.x.x address when it responds to the PASV command. This is done via the HOST= setting in the .ini file. Either set it to the static external IP if you have one, or set it to a name like name.no-ip.org and use the no-ip updater to keep it updated.