Thread: ioNiNJA
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Old 12-12-2012, 09:33 AM  
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Join Date: May 2007
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If many people feel the same way they should say so, it's never been my intent to be dsrespectful towards people. But for a while there were alot of feature requests, and I was intentionally short in my answers in order to avoid long discussions.

But your way of expressing yourself is outright disrespectful. Truth is I did develop ioNiNJA for myself, i've never stated anything else. As for the additions they have come from requests by users. By users i mean people that don't demand things but ask for them. When asking for a feature it might be a good idea to explain why you want it, what is preferable against current feature if something needs to be changed. And also accept when a I say no, something you never did, you ALWAYS kept on arguing, If you want something special that no other users requests then you will have to code it yourself. The script was not written for you alone.
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