Thread: ioNiNJA
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Old 06-24-2012, 08:41 PM  
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Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 692

Progress report:
Kind of fixed Status update on groups. It's funky on multiple CD releases and will never be perfect in this so i will jsut let it be as is.
What that means is that the group field on the dir is used for progress report. NO_NFO, EMPTY, INCOMPLETE, NO_SFV, COMPLETE.....etc

I readded rename group to genre. Now there is an option to rename group to genre on FLAC and MP3 upon completion. You can still use progress, but genre will override the complete group if it's enabled.
I have not yet added the DIZ oversized check to this, but it will come (hopefully).

Fixed rescan/resort over multiple dirs. (virtual raid)
Fixed rescan of mp3s, now checks mp3info.

Fixed upload of sfv when deleted, if it was deleted with files in dir and uploaded again. it will now check for the files in the dir and rescan them against the new sfv.

Checking the returned numbers for things (Annoying as hell)

Working on postdel crap.
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