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Old 06-24-2012, 05:09 PM  
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Originally Posted by jjjvipi View Post
hello o_dog, thank you for your answer!

i confused something while writing my first post, sorry for that.
site resort all is indeed fast (cover download etc is disabled).

site resort mp3 takes forever and the idea just to scan the mp3 infos of one file was for this cmd.

atm i have the following problem:
i have several thousand releases i want to rescan/resort on my local archive PC which it's not running 24/7.
So my idea was to start rescan/resort and write down the last release that was scanned, when i shut down my PC. At the next day i would like to start the process with the first release that was not scanned on the day before.

so it would be nice if site resort mp3 *folder* would start with the specified folder and resort everything that comes (in alphabetical order) after it.

With the current script it would take more than a week till site resort mp3 is done (rough estimate)

i hope this clears everything up

can't just scan one file in mp3 dirs. It's not the scan that takes time, atleast not that much. Right now it does alot of other things too. Might look into it later but this is not a bug. A Week? How many releases are there? I might add a speed command for fast resort of mp3s. Wont be accurate though. Right now it check artist names online etc in order to get the right sorting name (still alpha). A Speed command would only use id3 so you will get alot of different sorting names for the same artist.

As for the site rescan or resort and keeping a list of scanned dirs...wont happen. Just to much work and I don't think alot of people would use it. Sorry
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