Thread: ioNiNJA
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Old 06-22-2012, 03:24 AM  
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YiL: well. Tht was a list =)

Proof, yepp, forgot that 3 times now. =)

So the responses should have dashes now? Will look into it. I know some ftp clients have a hard time.

Show:execute time was a debug option that I added for my own testing and the only reason it's in there is that I forgot to remove it upon release. I will remove it since I see no real purpose for it,and fixing it would eb a headache.

The oversized incomplete dir? I see a hell of a lot of complecations there. wrong files, large dirs, manual work. Should maybe just change the way it picks up total_files and see if there is a better way of doing it? Or jsut peresuade the zip genration that the 90s is dead?

Site rescan workings right now:
site rescan this = what is in the current dir.
site rescan all = What is in the current dir and all subdirs.
Don't think i will change this for 1.0 final. might add more options for it later. Thought about a searchstring options for it. So it would only rescan dirs that match the given search string. if one is given.

I can't really remember why it did the depth travel and cache the dirs. I know there was a reason once. But i'm pretty sure it no longer does that, what i can't remember is if I actually released a version where it was fixed? Will look into it, shouldn't cache it all. Even though the only bad thing with it as far as i can see is the memory buildup.

Think it should preserve the timestamp on rescan, aleready added that option?

The group thing more seems like a damn nightmare for me, but I do like the idea. much better than symlinks. Need to be an option though, since some people want to keep the groups for some reason. Will look into it.

I though about adding a md5 check. Anyone need one of those? I won't be fancy as the sfv check. Only check integrity of a file and then an option to delete or rename. No progressbars etc. Might be useful for OS and stuff?
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