Thread: ioNiNJA
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Old 06-22-2012, 12:19 AM  
Too much time...
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 1,194

Don't forget the dashes, as in...
set message "553-$ioNJ(zipscript_header)553-$ioNJ(zipscript_no_sfv)553 $ioNJ(zipscript_footer_skip)"
There's a few similar error responses in ioNiNJA.itcl that need the dash added to the first two lines.

I don't believe the show_execute_time feature works, which is a good thing as it's also missing the dash and something I'd disable anyway, but probably a good idea to remove the option from the config file.

I remember "Proof" should be added to the notparent list.

I think the script should have an option to enable creating an incomplete style link for releases that are oversized. If an uploaded zip contains a diz that indicates say 3 files but 10 are in the dir I think the complete tag will be > 100% but you wouldn't have an easy way to know which dirs aren't "right" unless you manually check them or something. An "oversized" link would be one way to do that.

I'd like to suggest three changes to "site rescan". The first is if you do "site rescan this" it should rescan the directory AND any subdirs that match the "notparent" regex since these would be treated as "one" entity. This would make it easier to highlight a bunch of dirs (but not all of them) and site rescan them without having to go back and do the subdirs...

The second is that I think I used "site rescan" with v1 on a large number of dirs on a disk that was having errors and it seemed to generate a listing of all the files first and then proceeded to work on them. I think trying that on some HUGE fanout directory would probably be a REALLY bad idea. Probably better if it just did a depth first traversal using recursion so it only processes one dir at a time...

And the third idea is to have an option that preserves the timestamp on the directory being rescanned if nothing changed. I'd like it better if only the timestamp on the tag itself changed provided the dir checked out OK which probably means you'd have to check the dir first and then decide to delete the tag and create a new one or just update the time on the old correct one.

Another idea I had was an option (some might not want this) to play games with the group owner of a directory much like mp3's can use genre. Basically the group owner is INCOMPLETE, RACE, or OVERSIZED until it's complete so it's easy to see the status. If complete the group owner should reflect the group who actually won the race. Might be fun and useful.
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