Thread: ioNiNJA
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Old 12-17-2011, 06:04 AM  
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 301

Decided to try your latest version, did a clean install as suggested, when i upload zip files i get this error in logs

12-17-2011 11:01:25 "..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl" terminated abnormally
--- ErrorInfo ---
integer value too large to represent
    while executing
"lsort -decreasing -integer -index 2 "$total_racers""
    (procedure "outstats" line 85)
    invoked from within
"outstats $newracer $newleader $announce $announcestats $file "
    (procedure "::ioNiNJA::ZipScript::ZipScript" line 301)
    invoked from within
"::ioNiNJA::ZipScript::ZipScript 0 [lindex $args 1] [lindex $args 2] [lindex $args 3] "
    ("CHECK" arm lin
Repeated over and over, seems to be doing it on random files, just checked a few other places and a lot of files are missing, just watch it upload a rar file, it was showing in windows then when flash moved onto the next file, it disappeared from explorer.

Edit: now on upload i get this error

12-17-2011 11:15:35 "..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl" terminated abnormally
--- ErrorInfo ---
invalid command name "get_uinfo"
    while executing
"get_uinfo $user flags"
    (procedure "::ioNiNJA::ZipScript::PRE_STOR" line 4)
    invoked from within
"::ioNiNJA::ZipScript::PRE_STOR [lindex $args 2] "
    ("PRESTOR" arm line 1)
    invoked from within
"switch -- [lindex $args 0] {
	SYMCLEAN  { ::ioNiNJA::symlink_clean }
	RESCAN    { ::ioNiNJA::ZipScript::rescan  }
	RESORT    { source "../scripts/ioNi..."
Think a clean install of both ioftpd and ioninja might be in order

Last edited by ArtX; 12-17-2011 at 06:19 AM.
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