Thread: ioNiNJA
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Old 06-20-2011, 02:19 PM  
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Join Date: May 2007
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mr.babek: yes, such a script is coming from me, but need to finish ioNiNJA update first. Warchive still works and it doesn't need all that much support. It has a few bugs but i would suggest you use it for now.


ioNiNJA update :
Merged ioNiNJA with ioPRECHECK. Checks against sfv and stuff is made before an upload starts.
Anti****up: No more cd creation if sfv in root etc etc......
Removed locks, and changed the way ioNiNJA handles races.
Changed to curl for http access

Changed the way audio sorting works, can now look up artistname for sorting on audioscrobbler (less crappy tagging)
Also added functions to mvid sorting (same as audio)
Added a game script, for finding info on games
cduniverse scraper for xxx script for TV info.

+alot of other things. I'm working hard at fixing a few kinks atm.

If there are some new things you want added leave a message.
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