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Old 01-01-2011, 04:24 PM  
Too much time...
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 1,194

Read up on the Deny_Port_Host feature in the v7.5 entry of the ChangeLog (make sure to read point #6 as well). This is a security feature.

ioGui is a really old application and only tries to connect once when started. Most likely the server isn't up when it tried to connect, just click on the site name in ioGUI again and it should work. There is a workaround, you can create a shortcut to ioftpd-start (assuming that's how you started it) and specify a delay (I think the default is like 10 seconds). I.e. "ioftpd-start 45" would be a 45 second delay before starting ioGUI.

The DELAY feature of preloading can make the server take longer before accepting connections while it caches directories and thus increases the likelihood that ioGUI won't connect on it's first try. You could try disabling that if you enabled it.
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