Originally posted by fantasymick
1- Why hide passwords from yourself? I couldn't get back the passwords stored in my favorites in FlashFXP of private FTP sites. Luckily there is a utility that can "decode" the passwords. If this is a security feature, why not have a master password defined by the user that would reveal all passwords in "Site Manager" when needed?
2 - You log into sites in your site manager and you download your files, now if you change the "Site Name" field of the site currently logged in, all your downloads/queues would fail. Same if you queued files with a ftp with a "site name", and then change the site name of the same ftp, and start the queues, they would fail.
FlashFXP was not designed strictly as a personal ftp client, people use FlashFXP in a multi-user enviroment and hidding the password is a must. Newer versions offer even greater security by password protecting the entire application. when password protection is activated you can freely view your passwords at any time.
Queue files are linked to sites in your Site Manager via their name, changing their name breaks the link.. The latest build of FlashFXP will auomatically update the loaded queue should you rename or move a site. If the queue is not loaded it will not be updated.