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Old 08-31-2002, 01:33 PM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 3
Default Some suggestions...

1- Why hide passwords from yourself? I couldn't get back the passwords stored in my favorites in FlashFXP of private FTP sites. Luckily there is a utility that can "decode" the passwords. If this is a security feature, why not have a master password defined by the user that would reveal all passwords in "Site Manager" when needed?

2 - You log into sites in your site manager and you download your files, now if you change the "Site Name" field of the site currently logged in, all your downloads/queues would fail. Same if you queued files with a ftp with a "site name", and then change the site name of the same ftp, and start the queues, they would fail.
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