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Old 10-01-2010, 08:22 AM  
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 421

Well my point was that the file list returned by the servers (a fraction of a second before hand) already identified that the files did exist, so FlashFXP already knows they are there. After a little more consideration i guess i can see that in some cases the files might disappear or change during the processing of the queue making them no longer the same.

I think i was misunderstanding the use of this option, does this mean that if the option is disabled no size/mlst will occur during the queue even if there are rules that rely on size. For example, if a folder full of files is queued and transferred, but a file that did not exist at the start of the queue later does when flashfxp comes to it in the queue, flashfxp will not check and will fail to transfer because it tried to write a new file that was already there? (and as such ignore any related rules because it thought there was no file).

Just trying to understand the functionality properly as i guess i assumed the option was designed to make sure the latest information was available for use in file exists rules when needed. (as apposed to assuming the data already in memory from the last list result was still accurate).
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