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Old 06-25-2010, 01:50 PM  
Too much time...
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 1,194

You do not want to enable Global_Inbound_Bandwidth, Client_Inbound_Bandwidth, etc unless you need those features. If those are set and Scheduler_Update_Speed is set to anything except DISABLED the server chunks output into small in/out requests to keep the network responsive. This is good when your using VOIP over DSL and want to share it with the FTP server, but not so good if trying to maximize speed...

Also, for local gbit connections you don't want to use SSL so setup a 2nd service/device so you can disable SSL for local IP addresses. Or setup a user flag or something if you allow that in some cases externally.

As a side note, you will almost certainly be bound by disk write performance... If you download the same file twice from the server the 2nd copy should be in disk cache which means the server's disk read performance (especially on a fragmented drive) shouldn't be an issue during the test.
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