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Old 09-14-2010, 06:44 PM  
Too much time...
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 1,194

I actually haven't been around much lately with time off and stuff so no real progress the last month or so. I need a few solid full days in a row to work on the data transfer logic re-write because it's fragile code, so just waiting for that opportunity...

PSA9: The odds of running ioFTPD on your NAS are probably zero. Most use a linux kernel because it's free. On the other hand ioFTPD doesn't use fancy windows permissions, etc so there's a pretty good chance you could use a non-windows based file share. I don't know if anyone is mounting a network drive that is really Samba/linux but there's a good chance that would work.

BoNeZz: I don't see any reason that transfer speeds should vary just because SSL is enabled provided the machine doesn't have the CPU busy. Obviously if the machine is single cored and playing a game or something the CPU is busy and encryption might take longer and that would slow down the transfer. Even a 10 year old machine can probably encrypt faster than read it's disk provided it doesn't have anything else to do though... The actual transfer logic for reading/writing to disk/socket is the same either way which means encryption time is the only variable. Check the CPU % usage with encryption turned off and on and if the rest is idle. Do you get the full bandwidth of the network connection with it disabled? Sometimes slight differences in TCP packet timings can cause significant performance drops. Think of it as slightly different routes between hosts that in theory should be the same but aren't.
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