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Old 08-05-2010, 03:24 PM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 14


I read the forum since days. I am trying to install the ioFTPd 7.5.9 with nxTools and ioNiNJA + dZSbot.

I got the ioNiNJA + dZSbot to run without any Problems, but now i trying to install nxTools since hours and i cant geht it to work. My Problem is that the ftpd announce is
22:10:14 > site db create
22:10:14 500 'SITE db': Command not understood.
And i dont know why, the Error Logs says:

08-06-2010 21:52:47 - OneLinesDb   : the database "../scripts/nxTools/data/OneLines.db" does not exist: please run "SITE DB CREATE"
08-06-2010 21:53:02 - OneLinesDb   : the database "../scripts/nxTools/data/OneLines.db" does not exist: please run "SITE DB CREATE"
08-06-2010 21:55:49 - OneLinesDb   : the database "../scripts/nxTools/data/OneLines.db" does not exist: please run "SITE DB CREATE"
08-06-2010 21:59:00 - OneLinesDb   : the database "../scripts/nxTools/data/OneLines.db" does not exist: please run "SITE DB CREATE"
08-06-2010 21:59:28 - OneLinesDb   : the database "../scripts/nxTools/data/OneLines.db" does not exist: please run "SITE DB CREATE"
08-06-2010 22:00:58 - RequestDb    : the database "../scripts/nxTools/data/Requests.db" does not exist: please run "SITE DB CREATE"
08-06-2010 22:09:29 - OneLinesDb   : the database "../scripts/nxTools/data/OneLines.db" does not exist: please run "SITE DB CREATE"
08-06-2010 22:09:36 - OneLinesDb   : the database "../scripts/nxTools/data/OneLines.db" does not exist: please run "SITE DB CREATE"
08-06-2010 22:09:40 - OneLinesDb   : the database "../scripts/nxTools/data/OneLines.db" does not exist: please run "SITE DB CREATE"
Cant find more Errors, and my Question is why it don't try to load the custom commands ?

You have any IDEA?

Parts of my ioftpd.ini

## EVENTS ##
OnUploadComplete        = TCL ..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl CHECK
OnUploadError	 	= TCL ..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl CHECK
OnClosedKick		= !..\text\ftp\ServerClosing
OnClosedLogin		= !..\text\ftp\ServerClosed
OnDeletedKick		= !..\text\ftp\DeletedKick
OnExpiredKick		= !..\text\ftp\ExpiredKick
# Installation nxTools 1.21
OnUploadComplete = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl UPLOAD
OnUploadError    = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl UPLOADERROR
OnFtpLogIn       = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl ONELINES

# Installation ioNiNJA
rmd         = TCL ..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl
# Installation nxTools
mkd  = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl PREMKD
stor = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl PRESTOR
pass = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxClose.tcl LOGIN
;list =
;stor =
;mkd  =
# etc...

# Installation ioNINJA
cwd  = TCL ..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl
dele = TCL ..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl
# Installation nxTools 1.2.1
dele = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl DUPELOG
mkd  = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl POSTMKD
rmd  = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl DUPELOG
rnfr = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl DUPELOG
rnto = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl DUPELOG

# Installation nxTools 1.2.1
close       = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxClose.tcl CLOSE
open        = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxClose.tcl OPEN
db          = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDB.tcl
approve     = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl APPROVE
clean       = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl CLEAN
dupe        = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl DUPE
fdupe       = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl FDUPE
new         = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl NEW
rebuild     = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl REBUILD
search      = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl SEARCH
undupe      = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl UNDUPE
wipe        = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl WIPE
nuke        = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxNuke.tcl NUKE
nukes       = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxNuke.tcl NUKES
nuketop     = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxNuke.tcl NUKETOP
unnuke      = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxNuke.tcl UNNUKE
unnukes     = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxNuke.tcl UNNUKES
editpre     = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxPre.tcl EDIT
pre         = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxPre.tcl PRE
reqbot      = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxRequest.tcl BOT
reqdel      = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxRequest.tcl DEL
reqfill     = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxRequest.tcl FILL
request     = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxRequest.tcl ADD
requests    = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxRequest.tcl LIST
reqwipe     = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxRequest.tcl WIPE
rules       = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxRules.itcl
drives      = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl DRIVES
errlog      = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl ERRLOG
ginfo       = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl GINFO
give        = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl GIVE
newdate     = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl NEWDATE
onel        = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl ONELINES
resetstats  = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl RESETSTATS
resetuser   = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl RESETUSER
rotatelogs  = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl ROTATE
size        = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl SIZE
syslog      = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl SYSLOG
take        = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl TAKE
traffic     = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl TRAFFIC
weekly      = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl WEEKLY
weeklyset   = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl WEEKLYSET
who         = TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl WHO
# Installation ioNiNJA
rescan      = TCL ..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl RESCAN
addgroups   = TCL ..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl ADDGENRES
invite      = TCL ..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl INVITE
zsver       = TCL ..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl VERSION
resort      = TCL ..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl RESORT
symclean    = TCL ..\scripts\ioNiNJA\ioNiNJA.itcl SYMCLEAN
[Scheduler] & [Reset]
ConfigUpdate    = 0,10,20,30,40,50 * * *   &ConfigUpdate
#Installation nxTools 1.21
nxDupeClean = 0 0 * * TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxDupe.tcl CLEAN
nxRotateLogs = 59 23 * * TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl ROTATE
nxNewDate = 0 0 * * TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl NEWDATE
nxReqWipe = 0 * * * TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxRequest.tcl WIPE
nxWeekly = 0 0 * 6 TCL ..\scripts\nxTools\nxUtilities.tcl WEEKLYSET

WeeklyReset     = Sunday
MonthlyReset    = 1st
Site Permissions
# Control access to "site" commands.

addip             =   G1M
adduser           =   G1M
bans              =    1M
chattr            =    VM
chgrp             =    1M
chmod             =  GV1M
chown             =    VM
close             =    1M
color             =  !A *
config            =     M
crashnow          =     M
delip             =   G1M
deluser           =   G1M
devices           =     M
dircache          =   1VM
findip            =    1M
freespace         =  !A *
gadduser          =   G1M
ginfo             =   G1M
groups            =   G1M
grpadd            =    1M
grpdel            =    1M
grpren            =    1M
grprevert         =    1M
help              =     *
ioverify          =     M
ioversion         =    1M
kick              =   G1M
kill              =    1M
knock             =  !A *
loadsymbols       =     M
makecert          =     M
myinfo            =  !A *
open              =    1M
passwd            =  !A *
perms             =  !A *
purge             =   G1M
readd             =   G1M
refresh           = 3GV1M
renuser           =    1M
removecert        =     M
sectionnum        =  !A *
services          =     M
shutdown          =     M
size              = 3GV1M
stats             =  !A *
swho              =    1M
symlink           = 3GV1M
tagline           =  !A *
uinfo             =   G1M
uptime            =  !A *
users             =   G1M
who               =  !A *
approve     = !A *
clean       = 1M
close       = 1M
db          = 1M
drives      = 1MV
dupe        = !A *
editpre     = 1M
errlog      = 1M
fdupe       = !A *
ginfo       = 1M2
give        = 1M
new         = !A *
newdate     = 1MV
nuke        = N
nukes       = !A *
nuketop     = !A *
onel        = !A *
open        = 1M
pre         = !A *
rebuild     = 1M
reqbot      = 1M
reqdel      = !A *
reqfill     = !A *
request     = !A *
requests    = !A *
reqwipe     = 1M
resetstats  = 1M
resetuser   = 1M
rotatelogs  = 1M
rules       = !A *
search      = !A *
size        = 1MV
syslog      = 1M
take        = 1M
traffic     = 1M
undupe      = 1MV
unnuke      = NM
unnukes     = !A *
weekly      = 1M
weeklyset   = 1M
who         = !A *
wipe        = 1MV
#nxTool END

# aliases
rehash            =     M
alldn             =  !A *
allup             =  !A *
daydn             =  !A *
dayup             =  !A *
monthdn           =  !A *
monthup           =  !A *
wkdn              =  !A *
wkup              =  !A *
free              =  !A *

# ioGUI
ioGuiExt          =    M

rescan      	  = 1M
addgroups   	  = 1M
invite      	  = *
zsver       	  = 1M
resort      	  = 1M
symclean          = 1M

admingroup        =    1M
credits           =    1M
DnSpeed           =    1M
Expires           =   G1M
flags             =    1M
groupdescription  =    1M
groupslots        =    1M
groupvfsfile      =     M
homedir           =   G1M
LimitPerIp        =    1M
logins            =    1M
MaxDownloads      =    1M
MaxUploads        =    1M
Opaque            =    1M
passwd            =   G1M
ratio             =   G1M
stats             =     M
speedlimit        =    1M
tagline           =   G1M
UpSpeed           =    1M
vfsfile           =     M
You have any Idea?
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