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Old 06-27-2010, 03:01 AM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 3

I see, it seems the client itself is not quite up to standards. I'll see what I can do to patch it up. Thanks for letting me know

One of the subdirectories in Dir4 had a non-ascii name, and upon moving that out of the folder, Dir4 is recognized. Upon noticing this, I went through Dir1 and Dir7, and moved all of the non-ascii folders out of those directories. This solved the problem.

What appears to happen is that if a folder has an immediate subfolder with any non-ascii characters, that folder is ignored (not mounted, no error reported) by the VFS subsystem. Subfolders of the root directories which in turn have subfolders with non-ascii characters do show up as folders, but do not have any contents.

I appreciate your assistance with this issue. I guess I should also put a vote in for Unicode support when the current wave of features have been stabilized. Maybe for 8.0.0? Thus far, I haven't had any of the other issues (lockup bug &c), but now as I start to use the new version more heavily, I'll report back if I do.

Thanks again,

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