pion: I might have forgot to mention this last time, but if you just exit windbg the process you attached to will exit as well. You need to detach from it to allow it to continue running. There might not be much point in doing that, since the process might be unstable and may have timed out transfers, users, etc, but thought I'd mention the most likely reason for what you were seeing when you exit windbg.
Now that we know that 5 worker threads is too small for you (I was sure it was but wanted proof) go ahead and bump that up to 10 or 15 and see if that makes a difference. Besides consuming a little more memory, it's probably going to be faster for you since the TCL interpreter on the extra thread you appear to need from time to time won't have to keep being created/destroyed.
I still need to put together the test for inherited handles as well. Turns out it was a bit trickier than I thought and I need to install the window's driver kit to do it.