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Old 04-10-2010, 05:54 PM  
Too much time...
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 1,194

pion: Hmm, that's weird. Crashnow should cause the process to crash. It's a fatal error! If it doesn't something is seriously wrong, and usually it has been the loader lock getting stuck which is now tested for. Perhaps there is another reason, some sort of 3rd party module catching crashes, etc. I may write a simple connectivity tester in the next release similar to the loader lock tester just to keep an eye on things so it can restart if it gets stuck...

I'm about 50% of the way done writing the openSSL conversion and noticed something important. The Overlapped I/O structure is being re-used without being cleared. I failed to do this when I re-wrote the EXEC module and it caused problems and is now fixed, but this is original unchanged by me code deep inside the transfer logic. The important thing here is it's possible not clearing this causes the winsock library to freak out once in a rare while and is causing the lockup bugs. I think I'll put out a 7.3.4 release in a bit just to see if it makes a difference.

Important tidbit. ioFTPD pre-creates 10 sockets so it's ready to accept connections quickly. This means that even when ioFTPD gets stuck it's sometimes possible to connect to the server but not be able to login, or transfer files/listings over new data ports. However, since new sockets cannot be created to replace those 10 sockets it eventually stops accepting connections and you'll get timeouts instead of connections (which may or may not print anything). The only reason I mention this is because often times you'll see the server accept the connection and then timeout versus the server not accepting the connection at all and the client timing out the attempt. If you see the first start happening you can always try to login 10 times and see if the behavior changes which will tell us something about what is going on...
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