Keep_Links_In_Paths = False did the trick for me, entering symlinks now show as they used to, with full path
i also have the problem that warchive only runs manualy:
[R] site warchive
[R] 200-- WarChive ------------------------------------------------------------------
[R] 200-Current free space: 0
[R] 200-Deleting: 0325
[R] 200-Printed putlogline
[R] 200--!putlog WARCWIPE: "0325" "43396.04" "/XXX/" "0.00" "43408.00"
[R] 200-Enough space free on device
[R] 200-Current free space: 330155
[R] 200-Enough space free on device
[R] 200-Current free space: 18404
[R] 200-Enough space free on device
[R] 200------------------------------------------------------------------------[1.4]-
but on schedule returns the error:
04-06-2010 17:11:53 Scheduler event 'warchive' returned error.
this is since 7.0.x, prolly also some EXEC module problem